Words From a “Vaxsurgent”
My response to this article.
It’s remarkable the path that the literati have chosen to take when it comes to these last two years and how to react to the politically motivated pumping of the breaks of COVID public health policy, what I also call totalitarian creep.
Unexpectedly it’s managed to become even more creepy as it keeps oozing along and dripping like bile off the tweets, tv and print that sees this as a war, they themselves as Governor Hochul displayed, the manifestation of their collective Messiah and we all as their apostles.
9/11 - depending upon how much your livelihood is within their grasp, you’re either squeezed or crushed. Any expert not anointed by their priestly class is a heretic or a quack. Any divergence from the liturgy is blasphemy and any mention, by those of us who have made up the plethora of individuals who are “the pandemic of the unvaccinated.” We are parasites. We are a virus. Any mention of blood libel or survivors warning of the ways these same dark human traits lead to the atrocities of a century ago, if a Jew dares to point to blood libel, or a Muslim to post
Vanity Fair has, of course, stepped into the fray - a world where the victims become the torturers and, almost Shakespearian in its betrayal, we can see how the political witch hunt brews its bigotry alchemy and poisons all of us.
The author writes with a glibness I’ve seen too many times in recent years in NYC and amongst the “polite society class” (never polite, never social and never classy I might add.)
“Category One is a rather select few who admit outright to being anti-vaccination. Category Two includes those you might call vaccine skeptics, squishy in which beliefs they’ll publicly own. Category Two is the most formidable, subtly crafting its image. Its members take pains to claim that they are “not anti-vaccination”—but rather “pro-science” or “pro-vaccine safety.” And their science shows that the vaccine du jour could be dangerous, or perhaps deadly. And then there’s Category Three, a bucket that runneth over. Here, vaccine opinionators concede that vaccines can be helpful—maybe they’ve even gotten their COVID shots. But mandating vaccines, or mandating masks, isn’t merely a complex question, as most Americans would agree; rather, it’s akin to modern slavery, the Holocaust. As a group, you might call members of the three categories Vaxsurgents—angry, loud, exhausting.”
Leave it to our “trusted sources” to attempt to invent a new belittling slur. Insurgent has now become the new racist and anti vax anti insurgent and anti integrity are all the rage.
In fact I saw almost the identical mean girl intellectualism used by someone I had admired when the vaccine first was released here in nyc and some nurses and medical workers had dared to decline the majesty of the MRNA. How dare they choose not to comply was her overall sentiment. This, a woman who had written so eloquently about MeToo I must add that I saved what she’d written on social media and still have it amongst very few pieces that struck me as very special.
Consent has no place in what I call the Covidian Temple, Faucilogical Society or Covid Enthusiasts.
I read as this woman I had adored described those being fired from hospitals as no longer essential front line heroes - now - this is nature itself in action, shedding those science deniers from the holy halls of public health and allowing the focus to go toward equity and access; because so many of NY’s poor and marginalized weren’t able to get access to vaccination. So we have been told. The facts show otherwise.
She also declared categories of anti vaxxer. She too poked at my Jewishness (she is not) and implied that those not vaccinated were no different than any anti semite (yes, the irony was lost on her I assume.)
When I defended such people, mentioned I even knew such people, but still had not yet stated that I could not be vaccinated and, reminded that medial exemptions do not exist if you don’t have a union and lawyers to enforce them before you are de-personed in NYC…she said “Fine. They are all parasites. Is that a good descriptor?”
There are many characters in this Totalitarian theater….
Category one are The Anointed. The High Priests and Popes of the Radical Collectivist Cult. They are world leaders with power to destroy economies and suck the juice of mass formation. They're outright in their totalitarian aspirations; Lena Wen, Tony Fauci, Bill DiBlassio, and too many more to list. Oh, and of course, the Pope.
Category Two is the most formidable, subtly crafting its image. Its members take pains to claim that they are “not anti-choice” or “anti- human rights” —but rather “following the-science” or “listening to the experts.” They are, they say, for the greater good. They are valiantly fighting misinformation and they collectively make up corporate news media, tech and entertainment’s Strategic Integration Groups. And their science shows that the vaccine du jour is proven safe, effective and will provide their industries with the cash flow that will allow them to fund and promote the noble mission of DIE. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are messengers of both the carrot and the stick.
They are the IceBerg Slims of the totalitarian creeps. Not everyone is under their coercive care…but everyone is terrified of what they are willing and able to do. These are the bagmen and lawmen of crony Pharma. These are the people that hit the reset button. These are the people who benefit from Fauci’s snip snip of medical red tape or refer you to his magic if…you behave yourself.
These two categories work in tandem and so harmoniously they often forget that photos of them frolicking are sometimes used by the final category.
And then there’s Category Three, a bucket that runneth over. The, Covidian Cultists. They concede that vaccines sometimes cause a bad reaction—maybe they’ve even taken HCQ or Ivermectin. Maybe they are a Hospitalist or a Pediatrician. They’re celebrities and educators and union leaders. They run school boards and schedule politician’s Botox and hair appointments. They run committees and are lobbyists, they work on Broadway and are PGA members.
But, mandating vaccines, or mandating masks, isn’t merely a complex question of constitutionality and medical ethics, as most Americans would agree.
To these selective credentialists - questioning the priest class’ ‘expertiness’ (not to be confused with expertise which is never their concern) or the motives of the monks of public health and administration - is akin to the violent overthrow of a sovereign nation.
It calls for immediate group emails and zooms to confront “what are we doing to do aboutism” when any voice that may pitch above their half cocked, institutional mediocrity questions the universal and arbitrary legitimacy of their shadow puppet they call “public health policy” or when patients and human beings are regarded as anything but submissive to their fickle aims.
They are quick to concede that some people cannot be vaccinated, but only when calling those who aren’t compliant grandma killers, or Trumpkins, of course also fated to die alone if they do not submit to the holy jab - their regret gasped weakly in their final intubated death rattle.
They gleefully announce when an “antivaxxer” is sick and publish editorials when they die weighing the necessary but wrong mockery of their memory and motives and reduce their lives to a partisan prop.
They boycott. They bully. They ban.
They boast their sadistic achievements.
They write hit pieces.
As a group, you might call members of the three categories Quarantologists or Branch Covidians or as Larry Kramer once called Fauci; Nazis. https://www.villagevoice.com/2020/05/28/an-open-letter-to-dr-anthony-fauci/
These radical collectivists in boot step are—angry, loud, exhausting. Remorse barely ever overcoming occasional insecure terror, they are dedicated. They are rewarded.
Tthey’re destroying lives, livelihoods, communities, friendships, dreams, hopes, childhoods.
They are complicit in executing or excusing democide and, cultural suicide.
They are dangerous and they need to be stood up to.