I’ve seen too many people I respect and admire, who have created work I respect and admire, completely be blind to the realities of what Stalinism/Maoism is capable of…
I recently tweeted the text below as I reflected about why that may be.
I now am beginning to understand why almost no one talks about the historical record when it comes to socialist realism and the Red Army- in all its manifestations.
Because it is so dark that if you don’t cover your heart and protect your own inherent humanity- the actions are not simply in the past. They are designed to continue on in infinity.
It’s truly that evil.
We have not yet integrated or found a way to contain and explain such a thing.
It has a life almost all its own. Its like cluster B has integrated itself and become a living thing - and it was done by design. That itself is so beyond the scope of imagining. That that kind of evil is real and within a human capacity is so beyond - it’s scary to think I might even be beginning to understand it.
It’s the ring. And it’s circled the world. It’s the magic mirror and we all gaze at it and risk losing our humanity just by doing so. It’s horrific. It’s why we need stories. It’s the only way to protect us from such an anti-human form of humanity.
Sorry. I’m suddenly deeply scared by what man will do. But more so by what we forget and then are tortured by.
I wonder if there is any Hope other than a hope to destroy the technology we clearly were not ready for.
Human beings should not be subject on masse to so much destruction of our humanity.
It makes us all spectators to sociopaths and sadists.
And it is how it feeds itself. It’s the formation of gnostic chronic juvenility. It’s tempting to hate life so much you see it as a curse to be remedied. Very.